
Grangemouth A 3.5-1.5 Badgers Brook A

Grangemouth kindly agreed to field Harry so the bottom board match up was closer in strength. A big thanks to Garry who bravely agreed to play in his first ever match for Badgers Brook against Grangemouth A. It was a close match played in a friendly spirit and in the end the better team won.


Grangemouth A   Badgers Brook A
Grade Surname Forename Pnum Result Grade Surname Forename Pnum
1949 Bell Alan 3166 0-1 2039 McGeoch Kenny 14326
1948 McLay John 5168 0.5-0.5 1838 McHarg Andrew 20886
1776 Wallace David 6346 1-0 1700 McHarg Steven 21003
1572 Petrie Alan 5623 1-0 1298 Matthews Colin 11594
750 Leishman Harry 28021 1-0 U/G Thomson Garry 31416
      Total 3.5-1.5