Just since there have been a few rescheduled matches, internal events and bank holidays I thought I'd list them all here. Here are the activities on:
Monday 29th April - Badgers Brook 1 vs Edinburgh 4 / Club Championship Matches
Thursday 2nd May - Edinburgh vs Badgers Brook (Summer Cup), 1 spot available if anyone wants to play
Monday 6th May - Bank Holiday (Closed), potential social night
Monday 13th May - Badgers Brook B vs Cumbernauld / Club Championship Matches
Monday 20th May - Badgers Brook B vs Stirling C / Club Championship Matches
Monday 27th May - Bank Holiday (Closed), potential social night
Monday 3rd June - End of Season Swiss Round 1
Monday 10th June - End of Season Swiss Round 2
Monday 17th June - End of Season Swiss Round 3
Monday 24th June - End of Season Swiss Round 4
Sunday 30th June - Chess Scotland end of season cut off date
Now I'll give a few more details.
1. Club Championship matches will be submitted for grading after 20th May. There are 3 more nights left.
2. Potential social night was suggesting club members could meet up at a venue for drinks. Venue suggested was Saltire at Carmondean although suggestions are welcome
3. End of Season Swiss is a 4 round event played with Central League time controls. If anyone can't play any rounds they get a bye.
4. An additional Summer Cup/Plate match is likely to take place. Should it clash with End of Season Swiss anyone playing in Summer Cup/Plate would get a bye for a half point or their result in
the game, whichever is greater.
Also just for anyone unrated to get a Chess Scotland rating you need to play 8 rated games against players who have a rating or provisional rating and get at least a draw among those 8 games. On
the 30th June Chess Scotland runs calculations of all results and published ratings are released shortly afterwards. Theoretically an unrated player could get 8 rated games before the end
of the season if they played in Summer Cup game against Edinburgh and then play 3 Club Championship/League games and all 4 rounds of the End of Season Swiss. If they're already played games
beforehand then it reduces amount of required games.
Hope that gives clarity for how things will be run at the end of the season.